Symptoms of menopause.

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Before women enter menopause The body will change as an early warning signal. Menstruation began to be irregular. Or the menstrual period is missed for 1 month and then comes back. Or menstruation is missed for several months and then menstruation returns for another 2–3 months before permanent menopause.

After a woman enters menopause or menopause. UFABET You will begin to have various symptoms caused by changes in your body as follows:

  • No menstruation, vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes, discomfort, sweating at night
  • Having trouble sleeping, not getting enough sleep, not being able to sleep
  • Dry skin, thin scalp, hair loss
  • As you get fatter, your body’s metabolism works less.
  • Can’t concentrate, mood swings, easily irritated

If you are not in the age of menopause but have missed your period for a long time. You should record the days of your menstrual period in order to know the last day of your missed period. Observe the absence of menstruation even though you are not using any hormonal birth control , and also notice your own unusual symptoms. Such as hot flashes, insomnia, or other symptoms of menopause in order to see a doctor and get a diagnosis.

Menopausal symptoms may disappear with the onset of old age. Or it may last until the end of life. If menopausal symptoms do not affect your daily life, treatment may not be necessary. The treatment methods that may be used include hormone replacement therapy, medication, and various activity therapy.